Topic: Beauty

Beyond the Eye of the Beholder

While the way we measure beauty varies across time, culture, and individuals, human beings seem to instincutally try to protect things they think are beautiful. This week in worship we will explore this instinct and the role beauty can play in growing our compassion and moral sensibility.

Farewell to My Father

Guest preacher Rev. Chris Schriner will explore estrangement and reconciliation, in the context of gay pride month.Dr. Chris Schriner, Minister Emeritus of Mission Peak UU Congregation in Fremont, earned a Doctorate in Religion from Claremont School of Theology and an M.S. in Family Counseling from the University of LaVerne. He has spoken twice at our Personal Theology forum. In addition to ministry, Chris worked for 25 years as a psychotherapist. He is the author of six books, including Your Living Mind: The Mystery of Consciousness and Why It Matters to You and Bridging the God Gap: Finding Common Ground Among Believers, Atheists and Agnostics.

Athletic Beauty

Join us as we explore the grace, beauty, competition, and triumph of the athletic endeavor. Whether you love sports or hate them, whether you were first-team All-American or never wanted to leave the bleachers, there’s something we can all learn and appreciate.

Lessons in Absence

Experiences have a way of persisting beyond the initial contact. I’m sure we’ve all felt a joy or sorrow linger longer than the event that caused the emotion in the first place. This phenomenon of persistence has been aptly called Hauntology by French Philosopher Jacques Derrida. In this sermon we will explore the haunting quality of past events and examine the lessons these specters can offer us today.

The Fullness of Life

Life is so full of change and transition, and that’s part of what makes it so precious and beautiful. Join us for our annual “Tree of Life” service where we recognize and reflect on life’s transitions. This Sunday is also the last Sunday of RE, so we will thank all of the volunteers who have helped us offer incredible religious education for our children and youth over the last church year!