Social Justice News, October 2016

Social Justice Council (SJC) – In mid-September a few of us registered several people living in a shelter in Richmond. Tuesday, September 27th is National Voter Registration Day and we plan to have some UUCB folks there with the League of Women Voters to register Cal students.

Craig Scott and Jane Eisenstark will facilitate a Social Justice Chalice Circle starting in October. Norie Clark will work with Family Ministry on the “Bring Your Weight in Food” event in November. Plans are being made for two early 2017 Confronting Racism events coordinated by members of the LFDC, Helen Tinsley-Jones and Julie Rogers.

Please note that the Co-Chairs of the SJC are (Nancy) “Kelly” Kelly and Norie Clarke.

All are welcome at the next monthly meeting of the Social Justice Council – Sunday, October 9. Potluck dinner is at 6:00; meeting usually starts at 6:35. Meeting will include consideration of organizations to receive Good Neighbor contributions in the coming year.

Literature, Film & Drama Contingent (LFDC) of the Confronting Racism Project – On September 4th, folks enjoyed a robust discussion of takeaways from Colson Whitehead’s creative envisioning of The Underground Railroad.  October 2nd book is Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War—discussion will include Ken Burns’ PBS documentary. Book for November 6th is Susan Crandall’s Whistling Past the Graveyard. First Sundays, 12:30 pm, Fireside Room. All welcome.

Read-Aloud: Volunteers needed to read aloud at elementary schools in Richmond and San Pablo. Contact Judy Sam.

Ceasefire Walks: Friday nights in Richmond at 7 –

Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP) Annual Harmony Walk: All members and friends of UUCB are invited to participate in this year’s GRIP Harmony Walk on Saturday, October 29. The 5K run starts at 10:30 am, with the walk starting at 10:45 from Nicholl Park, MacDonald Ave and 31st Street. This Walk gives us the opportunity to build community while raising money for GRIP, which does wonderful work providing shelter and resources for homeless families, plus three meals a day for hungry and disenfranchised people in and around Richmond.  For more information, stop by the Social Justice Table before or after the 11:15 am service or contact:,,

Vigil for Incarcerated Immigrants: First Saturdays, 11–noon. Advocate and stand in solidarity with those at the West County Detention Facility in Richmond at 5555 Giant Highway.

October Good Neighbor: Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP) is an interfaith, multiracial collaboration dedicated to the preservation of human dignity, transforming lives and furthering social justice. It helps individuals and families in need of food, shelter and supportive services.

Good Neighbors Open to Suggestions: If you have a favorite deserving non-profit in Alameda or Contra Costa County that you would like to receive a portion of our offerings during a month of Sunday Services, contact Beth Jerde at and request an application that will be considered if received by October 5.

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