Social Justice News, June 2018

Literature, Film and Drama Contingent

Professor James L. Taylor took the LFDC to school on May 6th. Some comments from attendees:  “He was a gift … exciting … visionary … humble … authentic; wow!” “I enjoyed Dr. Taylor’s talk, especially the descriptions of people that made them human, fallible, and yet still the heroes and heroines we admire. He also gave us something to think about with his focus on individuals and not large programs.” “I enjoyed the little-known facts he discussed, like that MLK Sr. & Jr. changed their names from ‘Michael King’ to ‘Martin Luther,’ to honor the theologian they admired. And that Rosa Parks was not the shy little lady who got tired one day, but a true activist all along.” We’ll have him back, for sure!

Save the Date!!

June 9, 11 am–12 noon (Only this time on 2nd Saturday) — West County Detention Facility Vigil to Support Detained Immigrants and their families with UUCB hosting. 5555 Giant Hwy, Richmond. Carpool from UUCB at 10:15 am. For info, contact Sheldon Jones,

June 23, 1–5pm Healing Justice – Documentary and discussion facilitated by Amikaeyla Proudfoot Gaston (Cracking the Codes), UUCB Social Hall. Explore Criminal Justice Reform, School to Prison Pipeline and Restorative Justice. Open to all. $10 suggested donation. Register at For more info email

June 28, 6–8 pm – Pastors for Peace Cuban Caravan Send-Off, Atrium:  Spend the evening learning about ELAM, the Latin America School of Medicine; hear from John Waller representing IFCO; and updates regarding Cuba.

August 4, 8 pm – Roy Zimmerman in Concert at UUCB – Funny songs about peace and justice. Help us publicize this to the wider community.


Support Scholars’ Fund by participating in “Congrads to Grads.”  See Lonnie Moseley to contribute to the fund and come to SJC July meeting for the celebration/presentation to graduating UUCBers.

Good Neighbor Nominations Coming this Fall for the Next Year. On-line form is available.