Social Justice News, June 2016

On May 15, 2016 the UUCB Congregation voted YES!! (1) To renew our support for the Confronting Racism Project; (2) To officially support the Black Lives Matter Movement; (3) To approve displaying our Black Lives Matter banner in public marches and demonstrations.

Social Justice Council Meeting & Family Ministry At the SJC May meeting, Merrin Clough (Director of UUCB Family Ministry Program) explained that they are building capacity in the youth/adult team, and the teenagers are interested in working with the congregation and want to do SJ work. Merrin sees Family Ministry/ Religious Education working together with SJC to implement opportunities.

Social Justice Chalice Circle Summer Pilot. Linda Laskowski – Coming out of Congregational Conversations on the path to engagement, small group ministry would engage newcomers and “feed the souls” of those who have been doing the work for some time. UUCB Chalice Circle overseers Barbara Norrish and Lenore Ralston are assisting. Linda and Jane Eisenstark will facilitate. Several SJC members are interested, as are the Berkeley Fellowship and Oakland and Walnut Creek UU Churches. Lonnie Moseley and Paul Hudson (of Membership) will refer new people interested.

CCISCO Rapid Response Barbara Weisman spoke of this Team. Comprised of two (or more) volunteers who visit families that have lost someone to gun violence, they provide emotional support, meals, help with funeral arrangements, expenses and connect the family to social and psychological programs, as needed. This service is part of the Ceasefire Initiative and is in need of financial support. The Social Justice Council voted to donate $250.00. Barbara will ensure that a fund is set up for this purpose.

Literature, Film & Drama Contingent (LFDC) of the Confronting Racism Project The LFDC enjoyed a lively discussion of Bryan Stevenson’s powerfully engaging book, Just Mercy, which chronicles his grit and dedication and the development of the Equal Justice Initiative – to fight poverty and challenge racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. We also talked about his interview on KQED. We will end our first year on June 5 at 12:15 in the Fireside Room, when we’ll discuss our first selection of fiction, God Help the Child, by Toni Morrison, and our intentions for 2016-17. Join us!

Another Success Story, for GRIP April’s Undie Sunday was a success! UUCB seems to always come through when it comes to helping disadvantaged people, as was the case with our collection of underwear and other clothing for the residents of the GRIP Family Shelter. Much appreciation to everyone who contributed ­– we collected the equivalent of five of those large black plastic bags of clothes – and also to Marion Anderson, Barbara Daniell, and Camille Parker for helping with this project.  — Ray Westergard

Miscellaneous other Social Justice Opportunities and Information

Ceasefire Walks: Friday nights in Richmond at 7, contact

GRIP: UUCB volunteers prepare and serve lunch to hungry and homeless people at the GRIP Souper Center in Richmond on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Want to volunteer?

Read-Aloud: Volunteers needed to read aloud at local elementary schools in Richmond and San Pablo. Contact Judy Sam at

June Good Neighbor: YEAH – Youth Engagement, Advocacy and Housing ( YEAH!’s mission is to support young people ages 18-25 who are currently homeless. With the partnership of concerned community members, YEAH! provides shelter, case management and support services. Programs co-create community with young people to help them achieve the stability, wellness, and personal goals they desire for their lives.

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