Social Justice News, January 2017

Cracking the Codes Saturday, January 7th from 1 to 5 pm. The entire congregation is invited to attend this Confronting Racism conference spearheaded by the LFDC (Literature, Film and Drama Contingent of the Confronting Racism Project) with thanks to the financial support from UUCB’s World Peace Committee. UUCB members and friends attending will engage in talking about the system of racial inequity and implicit bias, prompted by stories in the film. This intensive training leaves people with new questions and the inspiration to engage in change. Hold the date and pass the word. Snacks as well as childcare will be provided.

Social Justice Council Next Monthly Potluck/Meeting is on Wednesday, January 11, 6 pm, Fireside Room. We will make a decision to determine our meeting schedule (i.e., either second Sundays or Wednesdays, or alternating). Representatives from our Good Neighbors have been invited to (briefly) educate us on their work.

In light of the election, our ministers are looking toward the Social Justice Council to discern, seriously consider and determine, how best we can serve the most vulnerable. Their suggestion is that we find one area to focus on so they both can help to direct the entire congregation to work on addressing this one area. Our mission for this meeting is to consider all suggestions gathered at our last meeting and come up with one area of focus.

Training in Nonviolent Communication – February 18, 1–5 pm. This workshop will follow up on the Cracking the Codes training and is an opportunity to learn skills to communicate with people who have had life experiences that are different from yours.

LFDC (Literature, Film and Drama Contingent of the Confronting Racism Project) At our December 4th meeting it was interesting to hear the recorded passion of Margaret Mead and James Baldwin as they rapped on race relations in the world of the ‘70s, especially for those of us who had read the book. (And we all gained a deeper appreciation for modern-day pod casts and ear buds … as we listened to them on 33-1/3 records!) Skipping January, our next meeting will on February 5th in the Fireside Room at 12:30, to discuss J.D. Vance’s book: Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis. Contact:

Social Justice Sponsored Project Applications

Each year the UUCB Social Justice Council presents to the congregation a proposal for a “Sponsored” social justice project for approval at the May annual congregational meeting. A sponsored project is one that would receive congregational support in the form of resources, such as worship time, funding, etc.

For the second (church) year in a row, the sponsored project has been “Confronting Racism.” It has held several very successful events, plans to hold more, has put out educational materials, and formed discussion groups.

To apply for sponsorship of your project, you need to gather a group of members who commit to devoting time and energy to the project, and you must complete an application for submission to the Social Justice Council. The completed application must be submitted by March 1, 2017 to

More Opportunities to DO Social Justice

Ceasefire Walks 7 pm Friday nights in Richmond contact

Volunteers Needed: to “Read Aloud” with elementary school children in Richmond and San Pablo. Contact Judy Sam.

Volunteers Needed: at GRIP to prepare and serve lunch to hungry and homeless people at the Souper Center in Richmond. Monthly, fourth Tuesday – contact Ray Westergard.

Immigration Vigil: First Saturday each month, West County Detention Facility, 5555 Giant Highway, Richmond; to carpool.

Social Justice Table: Be sure to take a look at the Social Justice Council table each Sunday for what’s new, and encourage newcomers to check it out.