Social Justice News, August 2017

The Social Justice Council (SJC) participated in the City-wide Richmond Ceasefire Walk on July 21.

At the July potluck meeting the SJC honored the recent UUCB high school graduates and their families in the first annual “Congrats to Grads” ceremony. Under UUCB Membership’s leadership, the congregation contributed to an award for each graduate. Lonnie Moseley and Norie Clarke presented the awards, the grads shared their future plans for education, and “Prayer for our Children” by Rev. Robert F. Kaufmann was read aloud.

Also honored during the meeting was Susan Lankford, who was awarded the first Doctorate of Generosity. Through her own initiative, Susan sewed hundreds of pink “Pussy Hats” worn during the International Women’s March in January, on the day after the inauguration of the current President. In doing so, she energized and outfitted many in the congregation, raising $455.00 that she then donated to the Social Justice Council.

At its July 2nd meeting, the Literature, Film & Drama Contingent (LFDC) of the SJC discussed Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race, by Debby Irving, with Anna Fisher and Julie Rogers facilitating. After sharing Moments of Awareness of Unconscious Bias (MAUBs) – those times when we’re not proud of the thoughts we experience about other races, ethnicities or genders – it was agreed that this was a very good book with which to end LFDC’s second year.

An end-of-year check-in brought requests for a broader mix of reading material (fiction, periodical articles, short plays and podcasts); allowing more time for personal expressions, (continuing MAUBs and personal writings), and special events (such as guest speakers and the “Fishbowl Exercise” taking place during October’s meeting.)

The Literature, Film & Drama Contingent of the Social Justice Council (the LFDC) will hold its first August Contingent Melange on Sunday, August 6, from 12:30 to 2:30 in the Fireside Room. We’ll read a one-act play, written by our own Lonnie Moseley; review plays from The Berkeley Rep, The Ubuntu Theater (Oakland), and The Contra Costa Civic Theater (El Cerrito); and discuss recent stories in the news related to issues of social justice. All are welcome to attend!

SAVE the date:  Wednesday, August 9th at 7 pm in the Fireside Room, the Social Justice Council invites you to hear Sai Prasad speak about his work with Syrian refugees in Turkey and Jordan. After experiencing the plight of Syrian refugees in Turkey and Jordan, Sai Prasad dedicated his life to alleviating the sufferings of people to the best of his abilities. His objective is to “Love All & Serve All” and to create awareness among all people of their capacity to live into this ideal. He will share his inspirational stories about the people he met, the conditions they live in, the love and compassion that he experienced … and show us ways we can touch the lives of others.

Other Social Justice Opportunities and Information

Ceasefire Walks: Friday nights in Richmond at 7, contact

GRIP: UUCB volunteers prepare and serve lunch to hungry and homeless people at the GRIP Souper Center in Richmond on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Want to volunteer? Contact Ray Westergard. To help with supper at GRIP on fourth Saturdays, contact Ariel Smith-Iyer.

Read-Aloud: Volunteers needed for next school year to read aloud at local elementary schools in Richmond and San Pablo. Contact Judy Sam.