Social Justice, May 2018

The LFDC shared MAUBs and our lives at a very special meeting on April 1. We also worked out our book/event list for the remainder of the year:

May 6: Guest speaker Professor James L. Taylor. Held in the sanctuary (more info below)
June 3: Book discussion: The Color of Water, by James McBride.
June 23: Special Event: Screening of Healing Justice, by Shakti Butler (discussion facilitated by Ami Gaston).
July 1: Book discussion: Citizen, by Claudia Rankine.
August 5: Guest speaker Shahrnush Parsipur will discuss her work.
Sept. 2: Book discussion: White Rage, by Carol Anderson.
Oct. 7: Fishbowl Exercise, facilitated by Julie Rogers.
Nov. 4: Book discussion: Sign My Name to Freedom, by Betty Reid Soskin.
Dec. 2: Book discussion: Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell.

Sunday, May 6, LFDC, Annual Guest Speaker Event (postponed from March 4). Professor James Lance Taylor is the author of Black Nationalism in the United States: From Malcolm X to Barack Obama, which earned a 2012 “Outstanding Academic Title” from Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries. He is a former president of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists, served as chair of the Department of Politics at the University of San Francisco 2012–15, as faculty coordinator of the African American Studies Program 2015–17, and chair of the Committee on the Status of Blacks in Political Science for the American Political Science Association, 2016–17.

Recently, the Social Justice Council voted to support a proposal addressing the issue of trafficking of children for commercial sexual exploitation. The Bay Area is a major hub of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC). Approximately 80% of these victims are people of color and female. What can we do as a community of faith and love to help protect our most important asset, our children?  The Social Justice Council hopes to shine a spotlight on this issue using education and advocacy as tools of discovery and action over the course of the next two years. This proposal will be presented at the May congregational meeting for approval by the members of UUCB.

On June 9th UUCB will host the monthly vigil held at the West County Detention Facility. We invite you to join us and make this an ALL-CHURCH, intergenerational event! These vigils are held to call attention to the fact that the sheriff of Contra Costa County has a contract with ICE to detain undocumented people at WCDF. The vigils started in 2011 and have been held each month since then. We will carpool to WCDF from UUCB. We, as UUCBers, will all be hosts to the other folks at the vigil, greeting them and handing out programs. We will provide light refreshments. AND, we are looking for people who like to sing!