Social Justice News, February 2018

From the January Potluck/Meeting:
SJC members with Helen Toy’s leadership organized to march as a contingent at the January 20 Women’s March in Oakland.

Jane Eisenstark led us in looking at where we are in looking at racism. It was mentioned that white people and people of color process racism differently and so, we have two different caucuses that will first meet separately and then together, beginning on Sunday, February 25.

From the Literature, Film and Drama Contingent:

After reading the UUA’s 2017-18 common read Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want, the Social Justice Council’s Literature, Film and Drama Contingent held a lively discussion in January. Following memories of parents taking us along as they voted, being the first to desegregate a school, running for class president, putting up posters, family civics lessons, canvassing and stepping out onto the streets, resisting order, and many other stories, a rich mosaic of democracy in action took hold. Switching to challenges facing democracy today, including the large amounts of money in politics, voter suppression, gerrymandering, and needing to rethink democracy and its relationship to freedom and community brought a more somber, realistic tone to the discussion. We ended on a hopeful note with people calling for building democracy through creating community, whether that’s knocking on doors, creating a sanctuary church, and many other ideas. The LFDC will continue the discussion of Daring Democracy and return to The Obama Inheritance on February 4 at 12:30 in the Fireside Room.