Social Justice, February 2016

The Confronting Racism: Literature, Film & Drama Contingent (LFDC) – At the January 3 meeting, plans were finalized for the January 17 service. A very spirited discussion of Disgraced followed. To give us all a chance to finish the book and give it the attention it deserves we held off discussing The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander, until February 7—Music Room, 12:15. Questions?

Islamophobia – In December, the SJC members spoke together about the rhetoric threatening people of the Muslim faith and listed a few actions individuals could take. SJC Chair (Nancy) “Kelly” sent our support to the Islamic Cultural Center. Several SJC members attended a forum on Islamophobia at the Graduate Theological Union. In January, Beth Jerde shared from her weeklong GTU class on Islamophobia, including two recommended books: The Muslim Next Door and Growing Up Islam. Karen Paull has taken the lead to explore the possibility of hosting an event co-sponsored by Muslim and Jewish congregations.

Upcoming Social Justice Events

Sunday, Feb. 7, 12:30 to 1:30 pm – “Black Lives Matter” meeting. The Social Justice Council requested and the Coordinating Team agreed to have a Black Lives Matter banner hung in our church, providing certain conditions are met. One of those conditions is that the SJC hold a meeting with interested members of the congregation to discuss this issue, with an opportunity to express concerns and ask questions. This meeting will be held in the Fireside Room. Everyone is welcome. For more info, contact Ray at raywest2@sbcglobal.

Sunday, Feb. 14, 6 pm – Monthly Social Justice Council potluck/meeting. All are welcome.

Saturday, Feb. 20, 9:30 am–2 pm – So many of us have asked how we can further support our Richmond neighbors.  What can we do in addition to supporting the community in the Ceasefire Walk and GRIP?   Well, we are able to provide a beautiful space for Richmond community groups to gather, discuss and share their specific missions in the community.  On Feb. 20, UUCB will host the Contra Costa County Racial Justice Coalition Summit, where various organizations from Richmond will discuss their vision for a Richmond that better serves the needs of its residents in a variety of areas of concern.  UUCB will need volunteers to welcome, serve lunch, and attend various discussions.  If you are interested in helping out, even for an hour, please email Lonnie Moseley (

Ceasefire Walks: Friday nights in Richmond at 7, contact

GRIP: UUCB volunteers prepare and serve lunch to hungry and homeless people at the GRIP Souper Center in Richmond on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Want to volunteer? Contact Ray Westergard at Thanks to everyone for the “Winter Warmth” donations.

Read-Aloud: Volunteers needed to read aloud at local elementary schools in Richmond and San Pablo. Contact Judy Sam at

Good Neighbor for February: Winter Nights Shelter –

The Winter Nights Program in Contra Costa County provides a clean, safe, and warm facility at night and a daytime services center during winter for homeless families with children, serving up to 30 persons at any given time. Congregations throughout central and east Contra Costa provide space, meals, and volunteers on a two-week rotating basis.

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