Social Justice Council News, July 2017

Please mark your calendars for Friday, July 21st, for the City-wide RICHMOND CEASEFIRE WALK!! Join us at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church to start the walk — or at any other stop along the way! The East Bay Center for Performing Arts Band will salsa with us throughout the evening! ALL ages are welcome! See

Sharing Experiences: At our June meeting, Beth Jerde asked for comments from Social Justice Council (SJC) members about their experiences meeting/speaking with our Muslim neighbors at the “Dine and Dialogue with Our Muslim Neighbors Dinner.” Members said they were pleased to meet the Muslim attendees and found them interesting and interested. One loved the diversity of the people she met. Another spoke of earlier biases developed from cartoons seen as a child that denigrated people from Arab countries. The presentation about Islam was said to be informative, and hearing the sound of their call to worship was breathtaking. Other SJC members said that working with people preparing the dinner was fun and equalizing. Several participants spoke of being warmly welcomed as they visit mosques. One person liked that the Muslim Mission holds its sermons in English. Several SJC members went to an Iftar event at the Islamic Cultural Center, among people so warm and friendly Kelly smiled at meeting a young man who was both nonjudgmental and a Trump supporter! The possibility of an interfaith potluck later this year is being considered.

UUCB members have gone to Martinez twice and once to Sacramento to stand up against the jail expansion that Contra Costa County Sheriff Livingston supports. The most recent trip, June 20th, was to demand an analysis of the budget. That day, some 15 UUCB members went to the Board of Supervisors meeting, and at least five spoke.  But all our efforts (and those of likely over 100 other people) were for naught. John Gioia was the only Supervisor to vote against the jail expansion.

The Good Neighbor for May, Planting Justice, received $1,944.77 from the Sunday collection.

The June 4th meeting of the Literature, Film & Drama Contingent (LFDC) of the Social Justice Council was an afternoon of insights and good vibes! Susan Lankford led the discussion of White Trash: The 400-Year History of Class in America. Julie Rogers and Ralph Nelson demonstrated the “Fishbowl Exercise” that the LFDC will create for ourselves around the issue of “class” in August. For the meeting on July 2nd, we will read Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race, by Debby Irving. Anna Fisher will facilitate the discussion. We meet from 12:30 to 2:30 in the Fireside Room. Contact: Camille Parker.

Other Social Justice Opportunities and Information

Ceasefire Walks: Friday nights in Richmond at 7 — contact Jane Eisenstark for carpooling.

GRIP: UUCB volunteers prepare and serve lunch to hungry and homeless people at the GRIP Souper Center in Richmond on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Want to volunteer? Contact Ray Westergard. To help with supper at GRIP on fourth Saturdays, contact Ariel Smith-Iyer.

Read-Aloud: Volunteers needed for next school year to read aloud at local elementary schools in Richmond and San Pablo. Contact Judy Sam.