Archives: Services

Harvests from the Memory Tree

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. The end of October marks a holiday known by many names and traditions. In the Gaelic pagan tradition, it’s known as Samhain, marking the end of the season of harvest and the beginning of the darker time of the year. In an intergenerational service of ritual and story, let’s mark the time when “the veil between the worlds is thinnest” by honoring our beloved dead.

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

Music Sunday

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. From the centuries-old partnership between the spoken word and music, and between ministers and musicians, we know that music has significant intrinsic value, and communicates sometimes better than spoken word. Music is what you’ll experience this Sunday.

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

Blow in the Wind, Rise in the Sea

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. As we celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day and dedicate ourselves to the work of repairing relationships with land, history, and present day communities, how do we celebrate the universal truths of earth-based spirituality which shine through all the world’s religious tradition? How do we claim our religious inheritance that connects to all who honor the earth as our common sacred center?

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

Finding a Foundation

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Identifying a common foundation might be the most challenging aspect of our shared theological house. If the foundation represents our understanding of human nature and our relationship to the holy—a theological anthropology—is there anything that can be said to support us all together as Unitarian Universalists?

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

The Sheltering Roof

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. The roof of our home represents soteriology—the search for what saves us. What protects us from the harshness the world can offer, the pounding rain and relentless rays of the sun? What gets us through the hard night? When it comes right down to it, what do we place our faith in?

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

The Ground and the Horizon

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. Beginning a new shared ministry we stand on ground rich with all that has come before. We gaze out on a horizon of possibility for what is to come. Our living waters run through it all, connecting us to all that is alive. Celebrate our ritual of water communion.

After the service
Blessing of the Three Sisters Garden