Archives: Services

Listening for the Angel’s Call

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. The angels, when they show up in the Christmas story to tell Mary about her unexpected pregnancy, or announce the first noel to the shepherds, start by admonishing, “Fear Not!” In a world with so much to be afraid of, how might we listen a little more to this angelic call? As we celebrate an ancient tale with candles and carols, how can we use the magic of this ritual to remind ourselves that fear and anxiety is not the only story?

Candlelight services

Cookies and Cider between the two services.

No 11 am morning service

The Table at the End of the World

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. This Thanksgiving season we set our table with both the abundance of the harvest and our lamentation over the atrocities woven through the traditions we have inherited. Sitting down at a table piled high with all that is ripe before us, what might it mean to feast on gratitude that is seasoned by grief?

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

When Old Pain Ripens

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. The acclaimed therapist and writer Resmaa Menakem offers the distinction between clean pain and dirty pain as he reflects on how we heal from personal and cultural trauma. How do we know when pain has ripened and is ready to be cleanly felt, and healed? And what gives us the courage to harvest?

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.

From Seeds We Did Not Sow

In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube. While we like to think of ourselves as the captains of our own ships—independent actors charting the course of our own lives—life always finds a way to reveal that before we ever ripen into the moment of making our own choices, our stories are shaped by those who’ve come before us.

In Person Coffee Hour
Join us in the Social Hall for coffee and a snack or light lunch.