Archives: Services

Mid-Week Online Vespers Service

Please join us for our mid-week online Social Time and Vespers Service, held every Wednesday evening – a time for renewal and connection. Social Time begins at 6:00 pm; the Vespers Service itself starts at 6:20 pm, concluding at 6:50 pm in order to give you time to proceed to any church meeting that may follow. Meeting ID: 830 5378 2422. Passcode: chalice. Click this link to join us.

Here Is Where We Are

Facebook Live and YouTube – How many universes has it taken to bring us here, exactly where we are on the life path? “Each voice sings its note of eternity” (John Tarrant, The Light Inside the Dark).

Virtual Coffee Hour
A time to connect “face to face.” Meeting ID: 332 046 821. Password: 810131. Click here to join us.

It Takes Practice

Facebook Live and YouTube Our favorite songs, whoever the artist or whatever the style, were created in a strange alchemy of study and inspiration, of strict practice and of letting go. Spiritual Practice is a similar combination of dedication, muscle memory, and perhaps a little divine inspiration.

Virtual Coffee Hour
A time to connect “face to face.” Meeting ID: 332 046 821. Password: 810131. Click here to join us.

Mid-Week Online Vespers Service

Please join us for our mid-week online Social Time and Vespers Service, held every Wednesday evening – a time for renewal and connection. Social Time begins at 6:00 pm; the Vespers Service itself starts at 6:20 pm, concluding at 6:50 pm in order to give you time to proceed to any church meeting that may follow. Meeting ID: 830 5378 2422. Passcode: chalice. Click this link to join us.

Our Commitments

Facebook Live and YouTube Commitments are all around us, infusing every aspect of our lives. This Sunday kicks off both our monthly theme of commitment as well as UUCB’s annual pledge drive.

Virtual Coffee Hour
A time to connect “face to face.” Meeting ID: 332 046 821. Password: 810131. Click here to join us.

Mid-Week Online Vespers Service

Please join us for our mid-week online Social Time and Vespers Service, held every Wednesday evening – a time for renewal and connection. Social Time begins at 6:00 pm; the Vespers Service itself starts at 6:20 pm, concluding at 6:50 pm in order to give you time to proceed to any church meeting that may follow. Meeting ID: 830 5378 2422. Passcode: chalice. Click this link to join us.

Mid-Week Online Vespers Service

Please join us for our mid-week online Social Time and Vespers Service, held every Wednesday evening – a time for renewal and connection. Social Time begins at 6:00 pm; the Vespers Service itself starts at 6:20 pm, concluding at 6:50 pm in order to give you time to proceed to any church meeting that may follow. Meeting ID: 830 5378 2422. Passcode: chalice. Click this link to join us.