Partner Church Committee, May 2016

This is a time for the Transylvanian Partner Church Committee to shout out thanks to all who volunteered for another successful snack table. On April 3 we served up gulyas (goulash), cooked up by Marion Anderson and Lynn Sullivan. Lynn also contributed deviled eggs. Anne Greenwood did the cucumber salad, while Mary Pugh made croissant sandwiches and cookies. Special thanks go to Susan Toth for the beautiful cakes that were a hit. If the “Ghouls for Goulash” sign brought you to the snack table, that artwork was furnished by Marion. We also thank YOU! Over $300 was taken in and all of that will support the students of Homoródújfalu.

We are MOVING FORWARD….many blessings. Of course, there is more to Partner Church than goulash. Do you know what kaláka is? It’s something real good, but you can’t eat it. Contact Stephanie Ann Blythe at or Anne Greenwood at to find out more. We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. All are welcome!