Partner Church Committee, January 2018

Relationships are always complex situations. Our 20+ year partnership with Homorόdύjfalu is more than just their village/congregation and our congregation. Their church is a member of the Hungarian Unitarian Church (HUC) just as UUCB is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). We are also a member congregation of the UUA’s Partner Church Council. Our Anne Greenwood is on the UUPCC board. And let’s not forget our deep connections with the Balázs Scholars Program at Starr King School for the Ministry.

The Balázs Scholars have helped drive a progressive wing within the HUC, even going as far as publicly supporting marriage equality in Romania. There is also a conservative wing in the HUC, which even includes some former Balázs Scholars. Unfortunately, due to extreme pressure from conservative Christian groups in Eastern Europe, the HUC voted at its recent synod to define marriage as a relationship restricted to a man and a woman. That’s very disappointing, especially for LGBTQ UUs who have been deeply involved in Partner Church activities.

Just as we do not all agree on everything our church and government does, we still strive to stay in relationship. We hope that this action doesn’t turn you away from support of our Partner Church and we encourage your inquiry into this situation. Please take time to read the statement from the Executive Director of the UUPCC at

And then please read the collegial letter from UUA leaders to the HUC:

Your Transylvanian Partner Church Committee is fully committed to maintaining a thriving relationship with Homorόdύjfalu. Please join us in this quest. Feel free to ask Stephanie Ann Blythe or Anne Greenwood for more insight into a very complex situation.