Music Matters, November 2017

What lets your soul take flight? Does some music make your heart open and your spirit soar? Music Sunday on November 12 will focus on how music can inspire. “Flight Song” by the young composer Kim Arnesen includes these words: “Songs of lives unfolding fly over head, moving like the rise and fall of wings, music’s fierce compassion flows…”

“Sing me to heaven“ by Daniel Gawthrop is one of the most touching pieces of music composed in the last thirty years and has brought solace to countless people. The choir will share this piece on Remembrance Sunday, November 5.

Looking ahead to December, the ever popular Messiah sing-along is on Sunday, December 17, at 6 pm. This is a celebration of one of the greatest  pieces of music ever written, and a fundraiser for the UUCB general fund.

Yours in harmony,
