(Updated October 11, 2022) 

Those who attend must affirm that they are fully vaccinated for COVID-19, if they are in an age group for whom the FDA has approved a COVID-19 vaccine, and for whom the CDC recommends a COVID-19 vaccination; OR they must have received a medical exemption in advance from the Senior Minister. 

Those who attend must affirm that 

  1. They are not ill and have no symptoms of contagious disease 
  2. They have not tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 5 days 
  3. They have not been in close contact with anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 5 days 
  4. They acknowledge their responsibility to notify people they had close contact with, if they test positive for COVID-19 within 4 days after attendance 

Attendance in person indicates your affirmation of the above, and your willingness to follow safety guidelines. 

All who enter the building must sign in at the entrance. 

Face masks, well-fitting and covering both nose and mouth, are required in the Sanctuary at all times for all people over the age of 2 (with this strictly limited exception: worship leaders and song leaders may remove masks for audio quality while speaking/singing on the chancel). 

At this time, face masks are not required in the Atrium and Social Hall. We are following CDC guidelines, based on their published analysis of the current impact of COVID-19 on our community (Contra Costa and Alameda Counties). We recommend that vulnerable people follow CDC and California Department of Public Health advice and continue to wear masks indoors in public spaces. 

Until further notice, face masks are required in all other indoor spaces on the UUCB campus, including restrooms. 

Eating and drinking indoors are permitted only in areas where masks are not required (Social Hall and Atrium). 

Our drinking fountains are not currently in use. Water is generally available in the refreshments area (Social Hall, after the worship service). We recommend that participants bring their own water if they feel they will need water at other times. If you need to sip water in an area where masks are required, please only pull aside your mask briefly to sip, and respect the physical distancing preferences of others (as evidenced by lanyard color). 


Please greet others with word and gesture, maintaining physical distance as indicated by their lanyards:   

  • Red = I’m glad to see you, and prefer to maintain a 6’ distance
  • Yellow = I’m comfortable being closer but prefer no hugging or touching today
  • Green = I welcome hugs, but please do ask me first

You may choose or change your lanyard at the Welcome Table on Sundays.  

Some pews in the Sanctuary are roped off to facilitate physical distancing for those who prefer that added precaution. Please maintain an appropriate physical distance, according to the preference indicated by each person’s lanyard color. 

The ventilation systems have been upgraded in the Atrium restrooms. Lock the door to activate the occupied” indicator if desired. Restrooms near the Safir Room are also available for anyone preferring single occupancy. 

Please use hand sanitizer and/or wash your hands. 

After any in-person gathering: if you become ill or test positive for COVID-19 within 4 days of attending, please notify those with whom you had close contact. If you need help, contact planning@uucb.org or minister@uucb.org. (In any case, if you become ill with COVID-19, please let the church know, so that our Pastoral Care team can check in with you to see if you need help.)