(updated September 30, 2021)


The word is “messy.” That’s how our ED Tess Snook O’Riva captured the reopening challenge we face. As the task force works to help us eventually regather in person, our situation is indeed messy. Just when we think the virus is receding and responding to our responsible efforts of getting vaccinated, masking and social distancing, the Delta variant shows up and exposes the risk still present with increased infections and hospitalizations and the continuing need for sound public health precautions to be followed.

Your responses to our recent poll on preferences by congregants at this time for gatherings were most helpful. Thank you for taking time to share your opinions. You can see the poll results here. Once again, a solid majority of us remain cautious and willing to wait a little longer to be truly safe when we gather in person.

The task force remains committed to being respectful of your opinions, to be inclusive in our deliberations, and to stand with the UUA, the CDC, and Bay Area public health professionals in recommended guidance for in-person events. As is always the case, as some doors close others open. The delay in regathering in person has allowed staff to complete preparations for the church reopening in person by having the facility, e.g., bathrooms and ventilation, ready for safe usage and the technology ready for testing to support our desire to have, going forward, multi-platform Sunday services and prime-time programs, i.e., in person and virtual at the same time.

With this important work by staff recently completed, we will be able to do a test run of our systems with the Sep. 25 music event. For this small gathering, advance registration will be required to manage social distancing arrangements, masks and social distancing protocols will be in place, no singing, only lovely string ensembles, and most importantly the option to attend in person or virtually. This event will give us valuable experience and information for when we will regather safely and joyfully in person.

Thank you for your understanding, patience, and advice. Please continue to follow UUCB protocols and share any questions or observations with the OTF at planning@uucb.org.

OTF (Opening Task Force) Members: Patrick Cullinane (Chair), Sheldon Jones, Greg Lemieux, Lisa Maynard, Tess Snook O’Riva, ED, and Rev. Michelle Collins