(updated December 31, 2021)


Indeed we are a community of resilience. Once again we have paused our regathering in person as we determine the best circumstances for us to come together. Acting on the decision by the Board of Trustees to require proof of vaccination before inaugurating in-person Sunday service and prime-time programming (click here to read the announcement), the Opening Task Force (OTF), with the capable leadership of OTF member Lisa Maynard, has been organizing opportunities for members to share their vaccination proof. Zoom meetings are one option. If this option works for you, contact planning@uucb.org to sign up for a Zoom session. Watch for announcements about other in-person opportunities to share your vaccination information.

Thanks to the over 60 members who at this writing have verified their vaccination status. As more members take this step and we navigate the appearance of the Omicron variant along with the Delta variant and the winter surge of COVID as more gather indoors, we hope our continuing compliance with public health protocols of masking, physical distance, washing of hands and, for those who can be vaccinated, vaccinations will lead us to the time when the congregation can meet in person.

Masking has proven to be one of the most effective public health protocols in fighting the virus. The CDC offers advice about masks and how to select, properly wear, clean, and store masks – Improve How Your Mask Protects You | CDC and Your Guide to Masks | CDC.

Safety protocols remain in place at the church and signage upon entrance to the main building helps to remind us of the importance of honoring those protocols. We rely on everyone in our community to stay at home when they have any symptoms of contagious disease, and we are glad that technology makes it possible for us to keep our connections even when physically separate.

As Desmond Tutu noted, these hard times can knit us more closely together. We hope to have navigated the holiday season successfully so we can gather safely and happily together later this month or in early February. As Rev. Michelle reminds us on Sundays, we move forward in challenging times to the church community and the world we dream about with Courage, Service, Fellowship, Hope and Joy.

All good wishes for a healthy and happy 2022.

OTF (Opening Task Force) Members:  Patrick Cullinane (Chair), Sheldon Jones, Greg Lemieux, Lisa Maynard, Tess Snook O’Riva (Executive Director) and Rev. Michelle Collins.