(updated February 28, 2022)

As we write this update, we will be in the third year of the pandemic. As Pooh would say, “Oh bother!” Thankfully, the recent trend lines with the COVID pandemic in the Bay Area and Contra Costa and Alameda Cos. are encouraging.

Covid Act Now Alerts in Contra Costa County (Contra Costa County, California (CA) – COVID Vaccine & Risk Tracker – Covid Act Now) on Feb. 14 lowered the risk level from Extremely High to Very High Risk. Low risk would be the best indicator for UUCB to safely regather. We do not want to gather and then have a member or friend become infected and have serious health consequences. Deaths from COVID are still occurring. Rates of cases and hospitalizations have decreased significantly in a short amount of time. A continuation of this trend is the best scenario for us going forward.

Best Next Health Steps 

To contribute to improving trends and to respond smartly to potential future variants, the best advice is to be fully vaccinated, including a booster, wear a mask, socially distance, especially in new environments with unknown persons, and wash hands. As masking experience and knowledge about easy and effective use has developed, N95, KN95 or KN94 masks are recommended by public health professionals as the best choices.

Verify Vaccination Status 

In addition, you can help yourself and us prepare for the hoped for future regathering in person by verifying your vaccination status with the church. This action will expedite registration and participation in person at a Sunday service. To verify your status, send an email to planning@uucb.org to request a Zoom appointment or other option to verify your vaccination status. Such appointments normally only take five minutes or less.

Volunteer Needs 

When we do regather, we will need the help of a cadre of volunteers to manage the reentry process for Sunday prime time programming, i.e., Sunday service, Personal Theology and potential other church related meetings occurring before 3 pm. The task force is developing a document of the number and kinds of volunteers needed every Sunday. When the document is complete, it will be shared with the congregation with the hope that many will step forward to help us all regather easily and safely.

OTF (Opening Task Force) Members: Patrick Cullinane (Chair), Sheldon Jones, Greg Lemieux, Lisa Maynard, Tess Snook O’Riva (Executive Director), and Rev. Michelle Collins.