When will UUCB reopen?

UUCB reopened for Sunday services in March, 2022. You can see all our updates around reopening here.


Are masks required at UUCB?

We have removed the mask mandate for the Sanctuary as of September 22, 2023, joining all other areas of the church where masking has been optional. You can read the full announcement here.

What are UUCB’s vaccination requirements?

We do not currently require COVID-19 vaccination in order to attend in person activities. Our Board of Trustees will consider reinstating the vaccination requirement if warranted by public health conditions.


What safety protocols is UUCB following?

Our safety protocols in place include masking in our Sanctuary, and requiring tacit affirmation from attendees that they are not ill, have no symptoms of contagious disease, and in the last 5 days have neither tested positive nor been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19.


Contra Costa County and the State of California no longer require indoor mask use. Why do I have to wear a mask at church?

While the county and the state no longer enforce mask use, it is still up to each individual, group, or organization to determine their comfort levels around dropping this requirement. A significant portion of those responding to a recent congregational poll reported that masking in the Sanctuary continues to be a significant factor in their comfort level during Sunday services. We monitor public health situations that may affect our congregation, and masking requirements will be reviewed periodically.


Who makes these recommendations to UUCB?

In October of 2020, the Opening Task Force was established to determine how and when UUCB should reopen for Sunday services and other congregational activities. After a phased reopening, the Task Force determined that its purpose had been completed, and presented a final report to the congregation in May 2023.

Our next step is a review and update of our overall UUCB Safety Policy, by a Safety Policy Task Force expected to convene beginning in Fall 2023.

We recommend that anyone concerned about public health issues consult the websites of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the public health department for their county of residence. The Covid ActNow organization also continues to monitor COVID levels.

CDC:  https://www.cdc.gov

CDC on COVID-19:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

CDPH:  https://www.cdph.ca.gov

Contra Costa County:  https://cchealth.org

Alameda County:  https://acphd.org

Covid ActNow:  https://covidactnow.org/?s=46863434