From the Board of Trustees, July 2018

As this issue went to press, Board President Jack Duggan was attending the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in Kansas City. So we will use this space to share with you the new “Ends” adopted by the Board at its May meeting. In policy-based governance, ends statements are intended to provide guidance for decision-making to volunteers and staff, based on the congregation’s mission and vision.

UUCB is a vibrant multicultural, anti-racist, anti-oppressive congregation:

Reaching Out

  • We embody and share Unitarian Universalism.
  • Our communities experience UUCB as an active and dynamic partner in pursuing societal and environmental justice.
  • People rely on UUCB in times of need.

Reaching In

  • We invite people of goodwill to make a spiritual home with us.
  • We celebrate the diversity of our congregation in the fullness of who we are.
  • We reach out to one another across differences to connect in shared purpose.
  • We have fun!

Building Up

  • We are generous with our time, talent and treasure.
  • We steward our financial resources responsibly.
  • We are comfortable, open and transparent in discussing both personal and congregational financial matters.