Freestone Dispatch, August 2015

What’s Happening with the Freestone Retreat?
A new neighbor has made an offer to buy the remaining two surplus parcels, originally sectioned off from the Dome’s 11-plus-acre main parcel to sell in order to provide income for the completion and maintenance of the Retreat. That division was many years ago, and the money from the sale that never closed is sorely needed to perform structural remodeling if we plan to continue to use the Dome. And then we would like to make it more attractive, with an interior design makeover, a hard surface road, and other amenities to make users’ stay the most comfort-able, nurturing and bucolic it can be.

We need you, the congregation, to make some decisions with us. A task force has been formed to come up with a long-range sustainable plan for the Freestone property. We were about to ask the congregation to approve the sale of these raw lots, with the funds held in reserve until the Freestone Task Force has completed its work and a sustainable plan for the property has been approved by the congregation. Wanting to get one more opinion, the task force and committee hired a consultant experienced with retreat properties such as ours to help. Very shortly we will have his recommendations. But the buyer will not wait forever, and it is hard to see how we can continue to maintain the Freestone Dome without the sale.

And this is where you come in.  We will not continue to have this remarkable property unless you want it. So please, if you love Freestone, speak up to other members of UUCB and neighboring congregations. If you are unfamiliar with Freestone Retreat, talk to members of the Freestone Committee (look for our Sunday table), check it out on the UUCB website, and consider renting it for a weekend, or weekdays, or a whole week. Saturday, August 8, is our monthly open house, work party and potluck lunch. We hope you will come and visit, and perhaps help us decide what to do about the now dismantled barbecue area deck. We are planning to hold the annual church-wide Freestone picnic on Saturday, September 12—mark your calendar!

Hope to see you there, or read about your visit in our guest book.

Norie Clarke, Freestone Committee Chair 510.409.1551  cell