Family Ministry, November 2017

Suzette Anderson-Duggan

November is when we do a dance with time to turn back the clock and usher in the season of gratitude and giving. Of course the traditional celebrations with their requisite trimmings come to mind, but before these events is our very own Youth Adult Team’s annual food drive. It is truly awe inspiring to see our youth lead this effort, which collects food and money for the Richmond Emergency Food Pantry. More than ever this year, our spirit of generosity is called to expand a bit wider to provide whatever we can afford to support those in need. Let us live and give by the weight of our generosity.

RE Events for November

11/11    Cornbread Baking Party with Rev. Kristin; Parent’s Night Out, free childcare in Skytown, 4:30 – 8 pm

11/12    Food Drive; Parent Discussion Circle, RE Bldg. Rooms 3 & 4, 9:45 am

11/17    Owl Retreat, 11/17-18, UUCB, contact Stephanie Kroner at

11/19    All Age Worship Service

11/26    Parent Discussion Circle, RE Bldg. Rooms 3 & 4, 9:45 -10:45 am

Last thoughts

Oh joy – Merrin returns in November! We are so looking forward to seeing her!

Our thoughts are especially with those who have lost their homes, their livelihood, and loved ones to the recent fires.

It’s never too late to volunteer! Contact Colleen Farrell, Megan Hailey-Dunsheath (RE) or Karl Rimbach (Legacy Links) to explore how your interests, skills, and experience can meaningfully shape the spiritual formation of our youth.