Family Ministry, March 2018

Spring has sprung and Easter is fast approaching on Sunday, April 1! That means it’s almost time to hunt eggs, consider the quickening of life in this season… and enjoy good food along with great company during brunch!

Buy brunch tickets online at or at the door. The cost is $5 per person (both kids & adults). Menu: Baked Pancakes with Topping Bar (Cinnamon Apple, Blueberry, Nutella, Whipped Cream), Frittata with Cheese, Chicken Apple Sausages.

Easter Morning Schedule

9:15 am to 1 pm            Childcare for Young Children

9:30 am                          Family Worship Service

9:45 to 11:30 am            Pancake Brunch

10:30 am                        Egg Hunt

11 am to 1 pm               Spring Activity Fair for Kids

11 am                             Adult Worship Service 

It’s never too late to volunteer! Contact Colleen Farrell or Megan Hailey-Dunsheath(RE) or Karl Rimbach (Legacy Links) to explore how your interests, skills, and experience can meaningfully shape the spiritual formation of our youth.

A Personal Note from Merrin Clough

This year has been full of both joy and challenges for my family. The birth of our bright baby girl, Etta, has brought more love into our home than my husband Jared and I ever imagined. Our days are filled with sweet laughter, and so much wonder, as we watch her grow in leaps and bounds. Our nights on the other hand lack that elusive elixir so many parents crave- sleep! As many of you know, life as a parent of young children is an over-full experience. It can feel like our hearts and schedules are being stretched in new ways. We wonder, what shape is our life as a family taking? Who is this magical child going to become?

In February my father died after many years of declining health. It was a real blessing to have been able to be with him as his eighty-year-old body slowed down. Sitting with him I could sense how old age is just as transformative as birth. The approach of death can be so intimidating. For our family, end of life choices brought anxiety, freedom, and deep sadness. We all wonder, what has my life become? Am I ready to leave this world behind? I doubt we ever really find answers to these questions.

This coming and going from life, birth and death, this is certainly soul forming stuff. We have all stood at the threshold in this way, welcoming in new life and saying goodbye to those we love. I sense these are the moments when we discover who we really are.

All of this has been a lot for my family to manage. It has become clear to me that more time needs to be carved out of our busy days to manage my father’s affairs and care for the baby. To that end, I will work part time for the remainder of the church year (though June). In general, I will work from home in the mornings on Mondays & Tuesdays. I will work from the office on Thursdays & Sundays, as well as most Wednesdays. The specific hours I work will vary each week as I fit meetings and special events into my schedule. I will continue to be available by appointment, so please reach out if you need my support.

Thank you to the church leaders for allowing me the flexibility to make these changes.