Summer Forum: Get Out The Vote: Phonebanking and Voting Rights
9:30 am - 10:30 am
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Activities to Get Out the Vote
(There’s one here that suits you!)
We know our democracy is in peril. Increasing voter turnout in the 2022 midterms will be crucial in stemming the autocracy movement. UUs at the national level support Get Out The Vote (GOTV) work — in particular, phonebanking with the Center For Common Ground (CFCG), a non-partisan organization whose aim is to facilitate the participation of voters of color in voter suppression states.
Rev. Erin Walter, UU minister in Austin, TX, who set up UU phonebanks in the run-up to the TX primary election this year; Beth Posner-Waldron, UU congregant and skilled phonebanker in Worcester, MA; and Meg Holmberg, longtime Berkeley voting rights activist who serves on the phonebank support team for CFCG, will inform and inspire us about GOTV activities, highlighting the importance and do-ability of phonebanking – even for introverts. Hear how CFCG and UU principles are closely aligned; watch Rev. Erin and Beth model a phonebanking conversation; listen to a rousing voice message! Rev. Erin will close by singing a song she performed at the recent Poor People’s Campaign rally in Washington, DC. In the near future she will invite us to join a phonebank training.
Sponsored by the Social Justice Council.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 835 5492 0104