7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Spiritual Theologian Matthew Fox

Friday, November 10 7 pm, at UUCB and livestream


Towards a New Mythology:
New & Ancient Names for God Derived
from Mystical Ancestors
and Contemporary Science
(& Fit for Some Atheists Too)



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The 2023 Lawrence Lecture will be given by spiritual theologian Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox on Friday, November 10 at 7pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (uucb.org).  The topic, “Towards a New Mythology: New & Ancient Names for God derived from Mystical Ancestors and Contemporary Science (& Fit for Some Atheists too)” addresses the Lawrence Lecture mission: to inquire into the nature of religion, either as a sociological and value-oriented phenomenon or as a spiritual and conscious awakening force, in a world of accelerating technological and social change as well as one of sharpening human crisis and conflicting social values.


Rev. Matthew Fox, PhD, author, theologian, and activist priest, (matthewfox.org) has been calling people of spirit and conscience into the Creation Spirituality lineage for over 50 years. His 36 books (translated into 74 languages), as well as his lectures, retreats, and innovative education models, have ignited an international movement to awaken people to be mystics and prophets, contemplative activists, who honor and defend the earth and work for justice. 


Rev. Dr. Fox describes his inspiration for this lecture: “Much of the collapse of culture and the quest for a new mythology in our time includes the collapse of God-talk as we have known it and stretching for new (and ancient) names for the divine.  Just before covid hit, I was invited to deliver a sermon at a UU church in Spokane, Washington on my recent book, Naming the Unnameable: 89 Wonderful and Useful Names for God…Including the Unnameable God.  Afterwards, an atheist approached me and we had a most interesting exchange.  


“In this reflection I will share what I learned from that encounter as well as new names for the divine emerging from today’s science and mystics of old and from the suffering of Mother Earth and human culture today.  Enough to give birth to a new renaissance and new mythology? “


The Lawrence Lecture, a 45 year tradition, past speakers include William Sloan Coffin, Rollo May, Houston and Kendra Smith, Daniel Ellsberg, Barbara Boxer, Holly Near, Van Jones, Jack Kornfeld, Keith Knight, and Ysaye Barnwell. The lecture is intended to appeal to the larger community as well as our members, highlighting UUCB’s presence as a cultural resource and addressing concerns of religious and moral values in our contemporary lives.


The Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley (uucb.org) is proud to sponsor the annual Lawrence Lecture as a part of our mission to create loving community, inspire spiritual growth, and encourage lives of integrity, joy, and service. We are a welcoming and vibrant congregation, joyously supporting spiritual development guided by individual faith, reason, and conscience. We are committed to serving one another, the church community, the community at large, and the global community. 


The event will be held at and livestreamed from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley at 1 Lawson Road, Kensington, CA at 7PM on Friday, November 10. Ticket prices are $20 in advance, $23 at the door and $15 for students (please bring student ID). No one turned away for lack of funds. Free parking is available.


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