10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Come to the rear (north) parking lot for hot cocoa, coffee, tea and:

Holiday Cards of Remembrance

Please plan to write messages and/or create holiday greeting cards for our own older friends and homebound members when you stop by UUCB to drop off food or financial donations for the Richmond Emergency Food Pantry and warm items for the GRIP clothing drive. 

We’ll be in the rear parking lot near the food drive area with tables with markers and blank and commercial cards. We will also have Elders’ addresses you may take with you, as we have with our holiday card display in the Atrium pre Covid. 

Please contact Melissa Rosales or Barbara Cullinane for more information. 


Food Drive

The Richmond Emergency Food Pantry serves adults and children who are food insecure in Contra Costa and Alameda Counties who don’t know where there next meal is coming from. See below the items needed. Or contact Gerry for information on how to volunteer.

Items needed:
  • fruit juice
  • canned fruit
  • tomato sauce
  • spaghetti sauce
  • pasta
  • powdered milk
  • canned soups
  • canned meats/fish
  • canned beef stew
  • dry and canned beans
  • peanut butter
  • cereal
  • oatmeal
  • rice
  • cooking oil
  • sugar
  • salt/pepper
  • other spices
  • coffee
  • hot chocolate mix
  • baby food
  • baby diapers and wipes
  • women’s feminine products
  • toilet paper


  • drop a check off during food drive on Dec. 11, or
  • if you have a bag of food gifts and don’t drive email Gerrykeenan01@gmail.com and someone will pick up your food gifts, or
  • send a check with ‘2021 Food Drive’ written on memo line no later than December 11, 2021


Mini Holiday Sale

A chance to do a little gift shopping and raise some money for UUCB. Contact annharlow@pacbell.net if you’d like to help. (The sale will continue on Sunday, indoors, in conjunction with the 1 pm recital.)

Winter Warmth for GRIP

This would be a good time to drop off clothing, sheets, blankets and towels for the Greater Richmond Interfaith Program family shelter. (Please leave your donations on the stage.)