Category: Sermons

A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Welcome to the UUCB Sermon Podcast!
We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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Love Like an Ocean

Water is life giving.  Out of the sea came life.  Out of birth waters, we’re born.

The human body is more than sixty percent water.  The earth is more than seventy percent water.  Sweat, tears, rain can be healing.  Water is a basic element of life. 

So, … read more.

Freedom to Live

One evening this last week a group of people committed to service to this congregation, ushers for the 11:00 service, sat around a dinner table.
It was to be a social occasion, an opportunity to get to know one another better. 
Our … read more.

Doctors of Durability

Monica Riley

It’s hard for me to comprehend that I have reached the age of 86, so quickly do the years go by now. There’s definitely a difference, I find, between the 70’s and 80’s. The 80’s introduce lower energy levels and all kinds of new … read more.

Out of Death Comes Life

You’re here.

You have not given up on yourself or the world or you wouldn’t be here.

Whatever got you here this morning, your presence on this Easter Sunday

is a testament to belief in yourself, in others, in this community, in life.

Thanks … read more.

Out of Life, Comes Death

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There are so many ways to tell a story. 
There is song, a dance, and poetry. 
There is this perspective, and that one. 
We can emphasize the setting, the plot, or the characters.

We can give the historical context, … read more.

Journey to Recovery

My name is Katherine and I’m an alcoholic.

To say those words 2-1/2 years ago required overcoming a lot of shame.

Alcohol, that once-benign social anesthetic, had gradually become a negative force in my life. I had lost the power to stop drinking even though it was … read more.

Journey of Generosity: Step Up, Step Forward

During my high school years, I church shopped.  My family was a member of a Congregational United Church of Christ congregation.  I was curious to learn about other faiths.  In Lincoln, Nebraska, in the 1960s that was not an exploration of world religions, but … read more.

Original Blessing

Several pieces in the sermon are used with gratitude and by permission from a sermon by Rev. Bonnie Dlott

Sexuality and Religion. For so many people on our planet these are like oil and water, kept as far apart as possible. And for many … read more.

What One Heart Can Do For Another

What can one heart do for another?   More than we know.

Each of us is precious; each is worthy.

We all make a difference, and together we make a bigger difference.

Any goodness one heart gives ripples out and creates more goodness.

In this … read more.