Category: Sermons

A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Welcome to the UUCB Sermon Podcast!
We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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If you are searching for a sermon and don’t find it here, please contact us. Our archives date back to 2007. You will need the date and/or name of the sermon(s) in order for us to locate it.

The King’s Bride

An intergenerational worship service designed to be a soap opera of how to find “true love” and points out that ‘love’ and ‘drama’ often go hand in hand. By looking at the struggle for love in the kingdom, a king and the good people of … read more.

How to Explain Unitarian Universalism without a Pamphlet

REFLECTION: From “Travelling Mercies” by Anne Lamott

Writer Anne Lamott tells the story of her son, Sam who, one day, found himself lost in his Northern California neighborhood. He couldn’t recognize anything familiar. No landmarks. No people he knew. Nothing that could get him home.  

Sam walked … read more.

A Vision for the Creatively Maladjusted


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Writing in the margins of that morning’s paper which had been smuggled into the tiny jail cell where he was being held, Dr. King began his response. The article on the front page – the reason why a friend smuggled in the paper – … read more.

Pursuit of Happiness

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We learn in grade school of the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. And much of our culture is dedicated to that pursuit; thousands of self-help books have been written on the subject. But happiness remains elusive. It doesn’t seem to be where … read more.

To The Other Side

Rev. Szabi Czire, 2014-2015 Balazs Scholar, December 28, 2015

Holiday Wars

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Bill O’Reilly
FOX News
400 Capitol St NW #550
Washington, DC   20001

Dear Mr. O’Reilly,

You got my attention this year – as you have in the past – when you and other FOX news personalities announced that war had been declared on Christmas. Being a … read more.

The Rope

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One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice —
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
… read more.

Lost in Translation

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Story for All Ages

How many people have heard of ‘spoonerisms.’  With spoonersims you have to whip your flurds.  If you don’t whip your flurds, you will get trost in lanslation and it won’t sake mense.

An example of a spoonerism is the story of Rindercella … read more.