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Category: Sermons
A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
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We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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Two men stood before us. One with eyes that glared with contempt and judgment. One who had eyes of sincere curiosity. The question came from the curious one.
“Is you got good religion?”
The question came to the three of us: my two … read more.
“Why did the people who left, come back?” Larry asked his mother. She answered plainly: “It was for the same reason that we welcomed them back. It was love,” she said, “and the opportunity to make a difference.”
Love. And the opportunity to make a difference. … read more.
Elizabeth Kubler Ross – forged a career helping people understand and cope with death. She noticed that people who can’t understand or cope with death get stuck in certain feelings – like anger or resentment. And their lives become small and ordinary.
This special intergenerational service explored what happened when a tiny middle school in Whitwell, Tennessee began a voluntary after-school Holocaust education class. Their idea was to teach tolerance and diversity, but they soon realized they didn’t know what they were getting into. The mostly … read more.
“Why?!? Why are you doing this?” “There’s something I want to explain to you. Something important. But I can’t. You’ll figure it out in time.” “But I want to know now! Why can’t you tell me?” “You wouldn’t understand.”
I want to tell you the story of Matilda and Bert. Matilda and Bert lived sometime around the great depression in a quaint, small, Midwestern town. They’d been married forever and loved each other. At least they thought they did – until the day they … read more.
Most people would agree that selecting our next settled minister is a very significant choice for our congregation. In his sermon, “Significant Choices,” Bob Miess, our district’s Ministerial Settlement Representative (MSR), will discuss what makes an excellent significant choice, 13 strategies for making excellent … read more.
The great philosopher, Plato wrote something called “The Symposium in which he talked about a time when Gods roamed the heavens and human beings roamed the earth. But human beings at that time were very different. They weren’t isolated … read more.
I asked Jane and Larry and Judy to stand with me this morning. I need people like them. They give me strength and help me find ‘true north’ when I’ve lost my way. As writer Nell Morton said, ‘they help listen me … read more.
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Janae HeardOffice Administrator
Tess Snook O'RivaExecutive Director
Kathryn JayDirector of Family Ministry
Peter BarnholdtFacilities Manager
Rev. Theresa HardyCommunity Minister
Rev. Sue MagidsonCommunity Minister
Rev. Jane RamsayCommunity Minister
Dr. Bryan BakerUUCB Director of Music
Daniel SchmidtUUCB Gamelan Ensemble Director
Jim GasperiniUUCB Webmaster
Katya KolesnikovaPrincipal Organist
Charis DomadorConnections Coordinator
Program Council ConvenerMarta Tobey
Ray WestergardCoordinator of UUCB Volunteers for GRIP
Charis Domador, Connections CoordinatorUUCB The Week Ahead
Charis Domador, Connections CoordinatorUUCB Beacon on the Hill
Lonnie Moseley, ChairUUCB Pathways to Adventure and Spiritual Growth
UUCB Stewardship Committee
Sheldon JonesUUCB Social Justice Council
UUCBPastoral CareReaching out to those who need caring attention.