Category: Sermons

A Call to the Heart, Mind, and Spirit from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley
Welcome to the UUCB Sermon Podcast!
We are sharing our weekly Sunday sermons from our called and visiting ministers, seminarians, and lay people of our congregation.
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Justice Seekers and Mosaic Makers

This is Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Sunday.

This is the day President Barack Obama officially takes the oath of office for his second term as President of the United States.

This day we celebrate these two leaders and the significant parts they hold in the mosaic … read more.

When Cultures Meet

Barbara stands in the kitchen, in front of the window, in the morning light. 

She holds a small glass plate so the light streams through it. “Look how beautiful this is,” she says, “See how the sun highlights the deep blue and makes it sparkle.”

I see … read more.

A Handful of Rice

Picture the earth floating in space. Framed in black, in the expanse of infinite darkness that is our universe, our blue planet spins. Remember when you first saw the images that came back of our earth from space? From that vantage point, we see our … read more.