Category: Chalice Circles

In our religious tradition, our own lives are considered sacred texts in which we find truths as profound and as powerful as in any religion’s scriptures.
UU minister, Erik Wikstrom, Spirit in Practice
We warmly invite you to participate in Small Group Ministry at UUCB. Recognizing the Unitarian Universalist call to minister to each other and to the world, Chalice Circles provide a unique opportunity to engage in this spiritual practice. The intimacy of these spiritual groups enriches the participants’ lives with greater depth of meaning. Chalice Circle practice complements our Sunday and Thursday services.
Chalice Circles meet twice a month for about two hours. The format of the meetings helps participants set aside daily distractions, reflect on their lives and beliefs, and make meaningful connections with one another. Through sharing their wisdom, members leave each meeting with a deeper understanding of themselves and of each other. Each Chalice Circle becomes a small, personal community of listening and caring in the midst of a large congregation.
A Unitarian Universalist Spiritual Practice
A mutual ministry based on sharing our life experiences and lived wisdom is a spiritual practice that is uniquely Unitarian Universalist. We bear witness to each other’s worth and dignity.
Why Join a Chalice Circle?

Participate in a supportive, nurturing group setting that facilitates spiritual growth and mutual caring.
Grow at your own pace and in your own way through authentic speaking, deep listening, reflecting, and serving.
Explore your own values by articulating them in a supportive setting.
Develop friendships with interesting people you might otherwise never get to know.

Chalice Circles Open House for Fall 2024

Chalice Circle Open House and Informational Session
Sunday, August 25 12:30-2 pm

Join us in the Fireside room right after the service on August 25 to learn more about Chalice Circles in the coming year. We will have brochures and sign up sheets, and you are … read more.

Sample Welcome Letters

Communication between a facilitator and the participants in a Chalice Circle is via email. Occasionally a participant will not have an account and will need a phone call. About one week prior to starting a Chalice Circle send out a welcome letter to all those … read more.

Registration Form

To inquire about the program or how you might best fit in contact Alisa Gould Sugden.

To register please send the following information pasted into an email message:

Chalice Circles Registration Form

Please Print clearly

Name: __________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City and Zip: _____________________________________

Phone #’s: _______________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________

I … read more.

How Does It Work? A Spiritual Practice

Small Group Ministry is a spiritual practice that creates a sacred space where we can tell the stories of our lives, be heard, and listen deeply to those of our companions. This is the heart of the Chalice Circle experience; all of the other parts … read more.