Category: Good Neighbor

September 2017 Good Neighbor


September Good Neighbor (sharing our offerings): Read-Aloud Volunteer Program is a relationship-based program that fosters in children the joy and love of learning through reading and story-telling. The Read-Aloud Volunteer Program is a non-profit organization that recruits and places adult volunteers to read … read more.

July 2017 Good Neighbor

Bay Area Community Land Trust. A non-profit organization to support community ownership of land and community improvements — with a vision of permanently affordable, resident-owned cooperative housing communities to benefit workers, families, students, seniors, disabled, low and middle income folks from diverse backgrounds, now … read more.

May 2017 Good Neighbor

Planting Justice. “We are transforming the food system one garden at a time. In the last 6 years, our team of formerly incarcerated landscapers has built over 400 edible gardens throughout the East Bay, empowering hundreds of people to grow their own food. … read more.

March 2017 Good Neighbor

Since 2001, WriterCoach Connection ( has sent teams of trained community volunteers into secondary school English classrooms in Albany, Berkeley, El Cerrito and Richmond to work one on one with students on their writing assignments. The program helps students:

Raise writing proficiency
Develop critical thinking
Build academic … read more.

February 2017 Good Neighbor

Alameda County Community Food Bank. On behalf of the entire Alameda County Community Food Bank community—especially the 311,000 of our neighbors who need and use their services—we are recommitted to help fight for what we believe: Food is a basic human right.