Category: Board President’s Column

From the Board of Trustees, July 2018

As this issue went to press, Board President Jack Duggan was attending the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in Kansas City. So we will use this space to share with you the new “Ends” adopted by the Board at its May meeting. In policy-based governance, … read more.

Congregational Meeting, February 14, 2016

The annual Awards, Canvass and Election Congregational Meeting will be held immediately after the 11 am service on February 14. Among the items on the agenda are:

awarding the Flaming Chalice to four members for their outstanding service to the Church
electing and installing the new members of the Board … read more.

Board of Trustees, January 2016

Christmas Eve (sung to Dark of Winter)

I remember Christmas Eves
with light from bonfires glistening
on snowy old adobe walls,
on lifted faces listening,
following the Virgin home,
the voices carried by the drumming,
songs as ancient as the earth
or as winter’s coming.And I … read more.