Buildings & Grounds, January 2018

We are happy to welcome back Mary Ellen Morgan after a leave of absence for heart surgery, which was very successful. At the same time, Larry Nagel is taking a leave of absence for hip replacement surgery and leaving the reigns of the Buildings & Grounds Committee in the very capable hands of Susan Lankford. Thank you very much, Susan! We continue to work on the design of the renovation of the Safir Room and will present the plans at a special Congregational Meeting, which has been rescheduled for January 28, 2018.

Safir Room Repair: Scope and Costs

Visit the informational table in the Atrium after the service on January 14, for face-to-face conversation with members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee on the planned repairs to the Safir Room. A written FAQ will be provided, and a YouTube informational video will be posted later for those who cannot attend on January 14.

Interested in serving on the Buildings and Grounds Committee? Contact Larry Nagel,, or Susan Lankford, Future meetings will probably take place on third or fourth Thursdays at 4 pm.