
Social Justice News, February 2017

Cracking the Codes: Ninety UUCB members and friends attended an amazing workshop on January 7th! Amikaeyla Gaston provided warm and wise facilitation of the film Cracking the Codes: A System of Racial Inequities that focused on understanding the language of racial inequities as they are expressed … read more.

Social Justice News, January 2017

Cracking the Codes Saturday, January 7th from 1 to 5 pm. The entire congregation is invited to attend this Confronting Racism conference spearheaded by the LFDC (Literature, Film and Drama Contingent of the Confronting Racism Project) with thanks to the financial support from UUCB’s World … read more.

Good Neighbor, January 2017

The Berkeley Food Pantry is a non-profit organization providing monthly bags of nutritious and delicious emergency groceries to Berkeley and Albany residents in need. Through the combined efforts of two paid part-time staff, a core of 50 dedicated volunteers, the Alameda County Community Food Bank, … read more.

Help UUCB While You Shop or Eat Out

There have been some changes to the eScrip and SHARES programs (in which, for shoppers who are registered, a designated school or organization like UUCB automatically receives a percentage donation). Safeway has dropped out of eScrip, and the SHARES program (Lucky, SaveMart and FoodMaxx) has … read more.

Facilities Committee Report, December 2016

It’s been a while since we reported on the care of our magnificent campus, but there is a lot of work underway. Hiring a tree maintenance company to remove the dead or dying Monterey pines on the campus is a project that has stalled for … read more.

Music Matters, December 2016

Hello Music Lovers,

UUCB has been hosting a sing-along of Handel’s glorious Messiah for decades. Indeed, it seems likely that the Bay Area tradition of singers throughout the community joining in this great masterpiece  started at UUCB. For more than 50 years, people have been coming to enjoy singing great … read more.

Holiday Fair and Silent Auction

On two Sundays, December 4 and 11, we will have our annual Holiday Fair before and after the 11:15 service. As usual, we welcome donations of new or lightly used Christmas and Hanukkah decorations, handicrafts, food gifts, stocking stuffers, and other gift-worthy items. A few … read more.