
Freestone Dispatch, July 2018

Stop by the Freestone Committee table in the Social Hall on Sundays for “Freestone Facts” handouts, to ask questions of committee members, or to volunteer to help out. We will soon set a date for a big August picnic and open house at UUCB’s Freestone … read more.

From the Endowment Committee, July 2018

There’s no secret handshake to learn. Or password to memorize. To be in this society requires only one gesture: naming UUCB to receive something – no matter how little or how much – in your estate plans.

Called the “Maybeck Society” after famed architect and UUCB … read more.

Social Justice Council News, July 2018


The Literature, Film & Drama Contingent of the Social Justice Council had a very energetic discussion of The Color of Water, a memoir by James McBride about being one of twelve African-American children living with and learning from their white, Jewish-turned-Pentecostal-Christian mother. We also recapped our … read more.

From the Board of Trustees, July 2018

As this issue went to press, Board President Jack Duggan was attending the Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly in Kansas City. So we will use this space to share with you the new “Ends” adopted by the Board at its May meeting. In policy-based governance, … read more.

Family Ministry, July 2018

Zackrie Viczen

Each year we arrive at this point together. One church year behind us and a new one budding forth. There is excitement in such times, as we let go of what was and try our best to plan for what might be. For … read more.

July 2018 Good Neighbor


July Good Neighbor (sharing our collection plate): Hip Hop 4 Change uses grassroots activism to educate people about socio-economic injustices and advocate for solutions through hip hop culture. Our support will help Hip Hop 4 Change expand their work to creatively reclaim rap in ways that … read more.

Social Justice News, June 2018

Literature, Film and Drama Contingent

Professor James L. Taylor took the LFDC to school on May 6th. Some comments from attendees:  “He was a gift … exciting … visionary … humble … authentic; wow!” “I enjoyed Dr. Taylor’s talk, especially the descriptions of people that made … read more.

May 2018 Good Neighbor

Youth Spirit Artworks places homeless and low-income youth and young adults in art-based jobs. This year, Youth Spirit Artworks is helping 158 youth and young adults build strong skills, experience, self-confidence, and income in which they can take great pride.

Freestone Update, May 2018

Don Klose, Freestone Committee

The future of our church’s Freestone Property has become a topic of discussion, and the congregation may be asked to decide its fate in the coming months. But many members are not yet familiar with where and what it is, its long … read more.