11:15 am - 12:15 pm
R.E. Building – Rooms 6, 7 & 8

The Power of Water

The power of water is the power of flexibility, creativity, and persistence. Water finds a way through the tiniest available channel. Water creates change over time. Participants learn how the force of water carved the massive Grand Canyon, over millions of years. Participants explore the real-world power of flexibility and creativity by working on scenarios in which two groups have opposing goals.


Take Home

How does your family resolve differences, particularly when genuine needs conflict? In what ways have members of your family been flexible and creative in coming up with solutions for family issues in which different people wanted different things?

Go on a family adventure to a river or creek. How has the river shaped the environment around it? What does the power of the water feel like when you put your hand in it? What does the power of the water feel like if you actually step out into the flow? How does the power of the water carry a stick or another floating object?


Check it out: Session 13