Worship at UUCB

worship 201503

worship 201503UUCB holds two Sunday morning worship services from September to May, at 9:00 and 11:00 am. During summer months there is one worship service, at 11:00 a.m.  Services run approximately an hour.

When you arrive at UUCB, you will be warmly greeted by our welcome team. Please sign in at the Welcome Table, so that we know you are with us. You’ll have a nametag waiting for you at your next visit, along with a free coupon for our snack table. Grab a purple mug for coffee or tea so that we know you are a newcomer.

Families are particularly encouraged to visit the Family Welcome Table, where they will find information about our programs for children and families. Children can make nametags with our eclectic collection of stickers.

Early in the 11:00 a.m. worship service there is a story time, which children are encouraged to come forward to hear. After the story, the congregration sings to accompany the children on their journey out of the Sanctuary to meet their religious education teachers, who escort them to Religious Education Classes. Parents usually come along on their first visit to see where the classrooms are, and where to pick up their children right after the service ends.