February 7:  Rev. László Major, current Balázs Scholar at Starr King School for the Ministry; studied in Transylvania; Parish Minister at Unitarian Congregation of Dakt. “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.”

February 14:  Susan Moon, writer, editor and lay teacher in the Soto Zen tradition; author of a number of books about Buddhism, including The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women. “What Does Death Have to Teach the Living?”

February 21: Nancy Abrams, lawyer, author of several books, activist, scientist and philosopher, Fulbright Scholar; was interviewed by Deepak Chopra as part of his Deepak Homebase series and has lectured at NASA. “A God That Could be Real in the Scientific Universe.”

February 28:  Nicoletta Karam, Bay area educator with a PhD in Arab-American history; author of The 9/11 Backlash and other writings. “Kahlil Gibran’s ‘Pen Bond’: Feminism and Spirituality in Jazz-Age New York.”

March 6:  Bill Garrett, past professor of religion and philosophy at JFK University and UC Berkeley; now teaches through the Osher Lifelong Learning Program. “Jonathan Haidt’s ‘The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion’.”

March 13:  Bill Garrett, (see bio above). Research on the intersection of dog evolution with the story of humanity. “The Human/Dog Story: a Tail with a Heart.”

March 20: Matthew Fox, internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian, Episcopal priest, activist, author and professor; founder of University of Creation Spirituality. “Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Lessons for Transforming Evil in Soul and Society.”

March 27: Beverly Allen in conversation with Frank Ferrante, Beverly is a PhD, Professor Emerita at Syracuse University; visiting professor at Stanford; and author. Frank is an award-winning author of May I Be Frank. “Transformation: Not for the Faint of Heart.”

April 3:  Rev. Cathleen Cox, Community Minister for UUCB, spiritual director, teacher, certified dream worker and workshop facilitator; 2002 recipient of the Margaret Fuller Award of UU Women’s Federation.“Who Stole Jesus?”

April 10:  Rabbi Harry Manhoff, Congregational Rabbi at Temple Beth Sholom in San Leandro; author; lecturer at St. Mary’s College; doctorate in the New Testament.  “The Siddur: Jewish Prayer, its History and Interpretation.”

April 17:  James O’Hara, author of In the Land of Shiva; former Catholic Brother and teacher whose life changed when he visited India and Nepal. “Beyond Belief and Religion: a Seven Year Journey in India and Nepal.”

April 24:  Rhonda Servin, artist and writer; storyteller; book in progress titled U: The Universe Chronicles; UUCB member. “The Universe: The Ultimate Superhero.”

May 1:  Ibrahim Farajajé, Provost and Professor of Cultural Studies and Islamic Studies at Starr King School for the Ministry; Senior Research Analyst. “Unitarian Universalist Muslims: Muslims-in-Intersection.”

May 8:  Alex Pappas, author; retired teacher of World Religions at College of Alameda; avid student of the ancient traditions and Theosophy. “Heaven and Nirvana: Duality and Non-Duality in the World Religions.” (Pt. 1)

May 15: Alex Pappas, (see bio above). “Heaven and Nirvana: Duality and Non-Duality in the World Religions.” (Pt. 2)

May 22:  Sara Lefkowitz, RN, BSN, MPA, Nurse Educator; facilitator in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction; active in SF Area Tara Mandala Sangha. “In Search of the Enlightened Feminine: My Journey through Paganism to Tibetan Buddhism and other Important Spiritual Adventures.”

May 29:  Sister Carmel (Marguerite Crimmins), Carmelite Monastery in Kensington, CA; worked in education and prison ministry and has done restorative justice work in San Quentin. “Called to Compassion and Mercy.”