What We Make Together


What are we making together? What new growth do you want to nurture at UUCB


  • Mid week Community, Beyond Sundays
  • We are making a picture of our community, a reminder of our common purpose and our interconnectedness, a bond, a step towards healing, our hope for a strong, multifaceted, deep rooted community of faith – active in the neighborhoods around us and in the issues of import to all.
  • I want us to grow in focus on continued activism in specific areas – be less diffuse & more concentrated.
  • I want our various segments (10:00 Forum/Personal Theology, those who just come for friends to sociality, musical groups, fundraisers), all to join in one or two group activities each year. (heart)
  • We come together to not only build the beloved community within our walls, but to take the next step to fight for the dignity of the ability of everyone to be an equal and loved member of the world’s great beloved community.
  • Growth in diversity and community outreach.
  • Lay religious leadership, family ministry
  • We are all links in the Golden Chain of Love
  • A community of love
  • Families, honest relationship of integrity & joy, open & honest discussion about diversity, race, and class
  • We are making connection, a protection from the power of the sadness & difficulties of life
  • We are making a community where all are welcome. I’d like to se more programming for the GLBTQI2s community, a social group would help
  • More opportunities for meaningful service
  • Making a community devoted to understanding compassion and forgiveness
  • We are making community, nurture a community of love and gratitude and generosity
    A community of loving, peaceful, hopeful people, standing on the side of love. I want to nurture my own spiritual advancement
  • Light, liberty, life, and love. I think our intergenerational community is crucial – for me It’s the only place I’m around the very young and the very old. I feel complete here because of this. I also would nurture our ability to treat church staff with fair salaries & benefits and give from our wealth to the struggling families & communities around us.
  • We are making a better community, a better world. I want us to nurture our children, let them be open to truth, beauty, & goodness and to bring some of it to the world
  • Interest in our global UUs – in Transylvania, Philippines, Africa, India…support for our church home and our staff with dollars enough to move our projects forward
  • A community of respect & support, giving & receiving freely
  • Community and deeper community
  • An intimate community
  • Nurturing healing, forgiveness and reconciliation
  • Learning the acceptance of loss
  • A good way of life; I want this place of love, community and steadfastness of purpose to grow to serve more of those who search
  • We are in the constant process of making our community. As we make our mosaic leaves and our tree, we can see all the wonderfully different gifts of each person’s imagination and effort. I hope we can continue to nurture such vision.
  • Participation ~ each person’s presence adds to the whole
  • Appreciation and building on positive energy
  • Responding when our voices are needed, a place of kindness and welcome, togetherness
  • A joining between our congregation and our larger community, community ministry as a collective mission
  • A little piece of peace on earth
  • Amore. Amore. Amore.
  • In touch with the Spirit of Life in each and in all
  • We are making community – thoughtful, caring, active, conscious. I want to nurture social responsibility and encourage new folks to join us.
  • To continue to grow as a moral beacon in the community, letting the love and compassion we share shine outward to the wider world
  • Let us make community together, restore the civil community of the east bay, restore the educational community of these cities, and create a new mission that expands our common origins and common destiny
  • Light, life, liberty, love…Love is being able to compromise when it’s necessary; love is standing up for what you believe in…What is it to know when to pick which of the above to do on a given occasion? Maybe that’s love too. Love is being able to live your life effectively, not divisively. Vision – to have people able to do the above
  • We are making a place for people to come together to seek & promote truth. To be able to act responsively we need to help educate at all levels and all ages.
  • Spiritual deepening & opening, letting go of reactivity, to truly listen to one another
  • I want the ways we learn to be with one another here to ripple out to how each of us is in our interactions with family, neighbors, co-workers, larger community.
  • May there be space and welcoming of all to create community together. We are not all the same; we have different talents, bet we are all equal as one.
  • We are making a vibrant community. I want to nurture more inclusion, nurture more diversity.
  • Light, life, laughter, voices raised in praise of each other, in praise of our common struggle, to unite and be whole. The new growth I want to nurture is a fresh start, rebirth, into a new beginning.
  • A place where all the lovers of the Bay Area may come to celebrate their love and commitment
  • A more realistic approach. A realization that original goodness and original sin are inextricably mixed in our nature. A more religious, ritual approach that acknowledges our true state. Working to learn how to manage this state. There is always hope, but let it be based on a true understanding of our nature.
  • A divine whole where each part has value, purpose, community support.
  • Let’s bring back Evensong groups!!
  • Plant a community garden that produces food all year long to be shared with the community
  • Extending compassion to animals, starting with soy milk at the coffee table
  • We are making a society that creates love. New growth: an organic garden to supply fresh veggies to give
  • A place for people to be seen and encouraged to be their best selves
  • Everything in this morning’s sermon sounded good to me! Thank you.
  • While I know this is challenging for all organizations, I envision this church bringing together a greater diversity, an even greater diversity. Can we celebrate what and who we already have here – and also do what we can to bring even greater diversity of every sort is what I hope for – age, race, origin, language, belief…
  • A community where individuals get in touch with their depths and deeply connect with one another
  • The growth of young adults who will sustain the church, more diversity in race, & more call for volunteer activities for nearby communities
  • Evolution and revolution as we inspire the human family to boldly grow into its next, more loving incarnation
  • Deep and long lasting connections among families and children, a path of spiritual, ethical and personal exploration for our children and us all, a strong, vocal, visible presence as liberal religious people
  • Multiple opportunities to build meaningful, multigenerational relationships: potlucks, dinners, chalice circles, service projects, community garden – proceeds to go to local food banks
  • Making community by inviting each human, be they child or elder, to be responsive to each other and thus grow a true intergenerational experience in this place, this church. Grandparent & child loving each other and being glad to come to church to be with each other!
  • To give comfort and hope and a sense of belonging to each one of us
  • A peaceful & loving community
  • Foster warm regard, good energy, like the mosaic making; creativity shared by all ages
  • Learning more often to choose careful, compassionate communication when we’re in conflict
  • I wish adults would choose to reach out to children, sit and talk with kids at Thursday Night Suppers
  • Caring, compassionate community, another 120 years! Heart
  • I would like to see our church participate with other faiths.
  • I would like to see real support from UUCB for the Richmond College Prep school. Both financially, volunteers, their gospel choir sometimes participating here. Mr. Leonard Pitt introduced us to this school 4 years ago. Bill H-H talked about it form pulpit. This is worthy of our care. Leslie O’Hara has been working on this.
  • I would like members of this congregation to nurture further their connection with our friends and fellow Unitarians in Homoroduifalu and elsewhere in Romania.
  • I want us to nurture communicating respectfully to one another in spoken and written communications. I want to hear members speak appreciation to one another and the staff.
  • What we are making together is a family. A family is a place where we care for each other; are supported by each other; a place where, though things are not always perfect, we can hold and forgive these flaws; where we can be ourselves; where our “shadow” sides are accepted as well as our “light” sides, where we strive to be better, kinder, more understanding people. I want to nurture forgiveness.
  • We are making a safe, nurturing have. I want to nurture the growth of love, justice, & compassion.
  • We are creating a place of healing, health, and wholeness, where people find meaning and grow in being their authentic selves
  • We are making peace. I want to figure out what my personal spiritual path truly is and how it links to others.
  • A community in process, beginning again and again when we fall short because the path toward the ideal matters. I want to nurture forgiveness for our imperfections.
  • We are creating together the tree of life with one purpose to see the light spreading the unbounded love in all existence in all directions, of the garden of roses that forever bloom. Heart… Creation of love…. We build beyond the realm of time and space…although the distance between what we know and what we reveal is just a little piece beneath the mystery love that binds us eternally.
  • I’d love to see more forgiveness in the hearts of members, to overcome fear and achieve forgiveness would be a true blessing.
  • A place where everyone can be welcomed
  • I look to see that I may see the more and having seen, deeply reflect on a deeper aliveness within.
  • We are making intergenerational community. I want to nurture & retain families & to help younger members step into leadership. The under 50 set is our future! We (over 50) need to make room for them & nurture them & their talents
  • We are making: Love All; I want to nurture: better attention to our singles and seniors as well as RE families.
  • The world is full of busyness and anxiety; this community reminds us of what’s most important and of who we really want to be. I want to help nurture that.
  • Social action, immigration issues
  • Let’s be good employers and grow to be a place where people greet staff and make requests not demands.
  • Our community helps us see ourselves as connected with all that is
  • We are spiritual seekers and we support one another on the quest; we share the journey.
  • Thanks for asking! Nearly everything Bill listed is part of my vision. I like to see us show up ‘en mass’ for events like the GRIP walk & GA wearing “Standing on the Side of Love” T-shirts, and that could be a unifying theme for all we do, including classes, workshops that help us build skills in right relationship (compassionate communication?). On the immigration issue, I’d like open discussion of what kinds of reform we think would help. I like to see these answer compiled & tabulated if possible, and I like to see the congregation get fired up about something.