Treasurer @ UUCB, September 2015

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Signs of the Unseen. Most days Jalal Adin Rumi’s book of essays remains unseen on my nightstand, collecting dust.

Signs of the Unseen is my constant meditation. The sands at Ocean Beach are constantly changing. Their southward journey is mostly unseen as they are replaced by new sands, journeying from the Sierra Nevada. Every year, this is a walk along a new beach occupying the same space.

And so it is with financial statements. The fiscal year just ended with a net unrestricted surplus, $6,233.

Today I attended my third Financial Advisory Council (FAC) meeting, my first as Treasurer. The FAC helps increase transparency in financial matters at the church. Here are the results of a recent congregational survey:

Agreed or Strongly Agreed with Survey Questions All (67) Respondents Board, CT & other lay leaders FAC
There is increased transparency at the church. 43% 62% 38%
There is an increase in the general level of financial knowledge of the membership. 29% 33% 50%
Church Members’ concerns are identified and addressed. 29% 39% 38%

If you are interested in joining the FAC’s ongoing efforts to increase financial transparency in church matters, I invite you to attend our next meeting October 17. As we continue to walk the path seeking sustainability of our congregational home, we need your participation.

Meanwhile, I am sitting on the edge of my pew, anxiously awaiting the completion of our new roof and terrace!

