Treasurer @ UUCB, May 2015


Two items of good news:

  1. February was a great month for pledge payments – putting us within range of wiping out the projected deficit for the fiscal year. Thank you!
  2. Thanks to the tremendous pledge response from our congregation community, the budget that will be submitted to the congregation will likely have only a small deficit.   Considering where we started (with a deficit of over $140,000), this budget reflects some major changes to the fundamental structure of UUCB, and includes some upside opportunities. Look for your congregational meeting packet for more information for the vote you will be making on May 17.

For those of you interested in more of the “nuts and bolts” of the budget and its changes, there will be two review sessions:   May 14 (in person) and May 16 in the afternoon (online). Each session will be about an hour long. Register here: