Treasurer @ UUCB, July 2015


A bequest of $10,000 from the estate of Jane Lucken raises our projected surplus to $15,000 for the year.  Though pledges continue to underrun for this year (a projected deficit of $22,000), strong performance continues in community rentals and various program revenues.  A big thanks to our staff members Lissa Marda, Lisa, Don, Yao, and Franklin who made the $20,000 over annual budget possible (with a month to go!), and to Barbara Rockhold and Lonnie Moseley for the nearly $5000 overrun in revenues for Personal Theology and Wisdom Pathways classes and seminars.

The value of the UUCB Operating Endowment is $1,487,190 as of April 30.  The Endowment committee approved three projects as meeting the criteria for funding from up to 1.5% of the endowment that is available when there are three years of strong market performance.  These include $9798 for additional training and consulting for Fellowship One, $1000 for consulting for Membership Outreach, and $4000 for a Youth Ministry. These will be considered by the Board on June 18.