Treasurer @ UUCB, August 2015


LASKOWSKI LINDA 212I am very pleased that UUCB member Mary Muehlbach will become UUCB treasurer, effective August 1. Mary has a strong financial background (including non–profit senior management), and has been a member of the Financial Advisory Council as well as one of our “money counting” volunteers for plate offerings. You will appreciate her knowledge and matter of fact approach to all things financial!

I continue to expect a small operating surplus at the end of the fiscal year, which occurred June 30. Through May we had a $28,400 surplus of revenues over expenses, albeit with no contribution to the building reserve. 

Tip: If you own any appreciated stock, consider paying your pledge with it. You will get full credit for the market value and not have to pay any capital gains on the appreciation. Any stock transfers will go through our Fidelity brokerage account rather than LPL/Mechanics (which is being closed). Contact Mary or  Mary Ellen Morgan for a form to provide to your broker. 

It has been a pleasure to be your “friendly treasurer” for the past two years. 

In faith,