Radical Hospitality: The Art of Invitation and Welcoming
11 am We will explore how we welcome new people on many fronts at UUCB and how radical hospitality can be a spiritual practice for all of us as the church enters a new era.
11 am We will explore how we welcome new people on many fronts at UUCB and how radical hospitality can be a spiritual practice for all of us as the church enters a new era.
11 am If we were each to make a map of our beliefs–to chart the geography of our souls–what might the spirit of life look like? We sing about it and use the phrase in prayers almost every week, but how do we represent it? Where would we find it on our own spiritual maps? … Continue reading Spiritual Geographies
11 am Young or old or in between, we all have dreams, big or little. And we all have the experience of giving up our dreams–for reasons: it’s not practical, there isn’t time, I have work to do, it would be selfish, I don’t have the courage. On this Sunday of travel, we stand up … Continue reading The Horse that Almost Got Away or Following Your Dream
11 am At times, life can seem like a mundane version of a ‘choose your own adventure’ novel where the choices lie between paying the bills, washing the dishes, or some other tedious chore, but that doesn’t have to be the case. We just need to learn to recognize the opportunities for adventure and excitement … Continue reading The Everyday Journey