Topic: Risk

The Risks of Being Spiritually Awake

11:15 am only

The poet William Stafford wrote that “it is important that awake people be awake, or a breaking line may discourage them back to sleep.” In times of uncertainty and despair, the lines grow sharper, the darkness gets deeper. Being awake means risking comfort for greater awareness, risking complacency for growing justice, risking loss for necessary change. What risks do we need to take in order to make ourselves and our community more able to fulfill our principles and stay aw

Risk and Reward

9:30 and 11:15 am

People around the country and world are frustrated with institutions big and small that profess commitment to justice and inclusion but whose practices suggest they are more invested in comfort, preference, and the status quo. More people also seem to be taking bigger risks for the sake of what they believe in – risking arrest, ridicule, and employment for the sake of clean water, immigrant rights, and many other important issues. This week in worship we will consider what we as a congregation might risk for the sake of our shared values.

Risking Joy

11:15 am only

Join us as we explore what it means to let joy lead our lives. How do we remain open to joy and present for the work of social justice? Let’s live into the question together. And don’t forget – this Sunday is Daylight Savings Time!