Topic: Intention

By Faith, Not Fear

Whether it’s funds for education here in California or the entire national budget in countries like Greece and Spain, austerity shapes so much in our world today. But even when things are tight and none of the options ideal, there is another way. Join us this week as we consider how we as a congregation are called to worship, live, and serve in community by faith rather than fear. A congregational meeting with light lunch will follow the service. Childcare will be provided in the nursery.

The Road to Torda

It was 450 years ago, in a small kingdom in Eastern Europe, that something amazing happened. A Unitarian king, John Sigismund, was convinced by his minister and advisor, David Ferencz (often known as Francis David), to make a bold declaration: multiple religious traditions, not just that of the king, would be respected and protected in his kingdom. This is believed to be the first declaration of religious tolerance in the world. Today we honor this bold legacy with Unitarians around the world.

The Problem with Being Right

11 a.m.

Our faith is one rooted in the quest for truth and justice, and even so, many of our forbears found themselves on the wrong side of history. This Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, we will explore what commitment looks like apart from the need to be right.

The Stars We Steer By

11 a.m.

What are your resolutions, or intentions, for the new year and beyond? This week in worship we will consider the power of intention and how it can guide us towards deeper purpose than we can imagine today.