Topic: Embodiment

To Question Truly is an Answer

11:15 am only

We seek wisdom from many sources including from our questions. This Sunday, Rev. Christian will attempt to answer any and all questions from the congregation. Attendees will have a chance to ask those burning questions about church, theology, social justice, current events, and almost anything else. Christian will answer as many as possible during the service.

Loving Our Whole Lives!

11:15 am only

For many years this church has taught classes about healthy sexuality and relationships to people all ages, incorporating both science and faith. Join us this Sunday as we hear from some of our OWL teachers about how knowing and loving our bodies, physical and spiritual health, and deepening our understanding of right relationship are all important parts of our faith.

Flower Communion

9:30 and 11:15 am

Please bring a flower of your choice to church and place it in one of the large vases at the front of the sanctuary before worship begins. Don’t worry – if you forget to bring a flower we will have plenty of extra so that everyone can participate in this much-beloved Unitarian tradition. This is a service for all ages.

Whose Faith Is It?

11:15 am only

Our call to be an anti-racist, multi-cultural faith and congregation forces us to confront some unpleasant truths: Unitarian Universalism, and UUCB, too often uphold white cultural norms, and unconsciously but powerfully do harm to people of color both within UUism and without. Joining with some 300 UU congregations today in a teach-in about white supremacy, we continue to do the work of racial justice by examining ourselves.